Sunday, December 6, 2009

Easy as ABCD

So I was thinking last night about simplification. Back when I played basketball, golf, chess, etc and was in a slump I always backed off and went step by step through the fundamentals and 90% of the time, I would come out and play my best game ever.

So isn't that what getting better is all about? Fundamentals fundamentals then experimentation then back to fundamentals and incorporate a new thing to the mix and then repeat.

So I am back to the fundamentals stage.. I reread a few old forum posts last night and a lightbulb went off. I decided that today I would state (in my head) exactly what my range was and play accordingly. It was like taking candy from a baby. I ran 8BB/100 over 1500 hands and felt in total command of my game. There were only 3 all in hands and I won 2. My red line was slightly in the positive.. which usually takes a nosedive.

Example: I raised 4bbs in mp with AQo and got called by the LAAG bb. The flop was KQ3 rainbow. I am ahead of villain's range so I put my range as top of my B range. He likes to c/r a lot so I want to pot control this a bit so I check for deception. 3 on the turn. He leads out for 3/4 pot on turn, I am still in my B range so I plan to call this and one more bet.. or bet for value on the river if he checks. This plan puts about 20% of my stack in the pot.. perfect for my B range hands. As expected, he checks the river 8.. my guess is he has a middle pocket pair or some kind of Qx hand. I bet 55% of pot and he calls with QJ and I take it down.

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