Anyways, after a few straight lackluster days at the tables.. I have decided to try a new strategy for awhile. It might be a flop but who knows. I am going to transition to LAG for a bit and see if that makes things a bit simpler for me.
Obviously the thing a TAG fears most is a good LAG. The worst thing I can do is try to play a TAG style on a table full of TAGs.. so the obvious thing for me to do is the opposite.
I played a couple of hours tonight running around 22/20 I'd guess and it was surprising how easy all of my decisions suddenly are. Instead of focusing on making hands and valuebetting I am now doing nothing but looking for profitable spots both preflop and postflop.
For example, we all know that a decent TAG has a range of hands postflop and how much they want to invest depending on what part of their range connects. So we pressure their range constantly at the right sweet spots to elicit folds via bluffs or get them to make mistakes and put a bit more in when we are ahead of their range etc. Its rather fun watching them squirm with their "big" decisions when I already know exactly what they are likely to do with each part of their range. (I know because I have played their style for so long)
All I do is watch for the right spots and then plan exactly what I am going to do profitably long before the flop hits the felt.
But overall, the main reason for me to switch over to LAG is to get action. Its hard to get your whole stack in with the nuts when all you will get your whole stack in is with the nuts. Waiting to cooler or get coolered simply is not fun.
Here is my graph for today.. you can see when I switched to LAG, my red line shoots upwards. Notice most of the money I made was in non-showdown money.. its nice having cards not matter.
One downside of the switch, however, is that I had to lower my tables to 20 at a time instead of 24.. I will try to build back up to 24 slowly over time. 24 tabling a LAG style would be pretty sick.
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