Sunday, August 29, 2010

Working on my 50bb strategy lately

I am seriously considering a run towards Supernova Elite in 2011. In order to prepare for that I need to find the optimum game and style of play to achieve the following:

1. Most hands per hour possible.
2. Most FPPs per hand possible.
3. A style that allows me to play decently even when I am not on my A game.
4. A style that is tight enough that I will not burn out and can put in long sessions.
5. Play at a level that has the most fish possible because game selection is tough when trying to hit a high h/hr.

I have looked over all of the options available and it appears that the 50bb max games most accurately reflect my needs as a player.

1. Most of the games are on fast tables which gives me as many as 2,000 hands per hour.. which over the long run is huge. (normal tables seem to give 1500 hands per hour when 24-tabling)
2. FPPs per hand will be a bit less at the 50bb tables, but the increase in h/hr should more than make up for this.
3. A tightish 12/10 style that employs playing value hands in ep and mp with a fairly wide stealing range in late position should make both preflop and postflop decisions pretty dang easy, even when my mind is not operating at peak performance. And over a year long grind this is very important as my C game will likely be more like a B minus game at the worst times due to low SPR in most cases.
4. Not burning out is of extreme importance. Having several "tough" decisions in one session can not only burn the mind out, it can also hurt my hands per hour. 50bb tables with a tight game should help remedy this.
5. There is no doubt that the 50bb tables have the most fish. Since bad players mostly buy in short on the normal tables anyways, I also get the added benefit of hardly ever being deep against the better players. And since I won't be able to game select, having the highest fish per table matters over the long term.

So going forward I will spend the rest of the year attempting to grind to 200k vpps (I am currently at 65k) and "practicing" my 50bb game. Depending on how it goes, I will modify things as necessary.

I am not going to go into my breakthrough on being successful at the 50bb tables. Many many hours of play and thought on the subject made me realize which bet sizes and ranges are optimal for half stacking. Although I am sure it is a work in progress, I feel the nuances I have worked out are groundbreaking and could be employed by a novice with minimal training in order to beat just about any game up to 50NL (or at least break even.) But before I get ahead of myself, I will need to play a few hundred thousand hands before the verdict is in.

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