Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My first run good session in a month and CAP graph thus far


And my CAP journey so far:

The run good part only lasted about 10 minutes.. but man was it nice to see for a change. This past week has been good for my poker game as I feel I've made several breakthroughs. I had my first coaching session ever last Tuesday and my game immediately saw results.

Notice I am still almost $3,500 under all in EV. I am not really concerned about it.. as you can see I still made $25/hr even with the run bad. If I had just run at even it would have been $48/hr. Keep in mind my lifetime hrly rate at 25NL was like $22/hr or something.

I will likely get moved up to 200NL by my staker this week.. and since the highest I have ever played is .50/1.00.. it will be kinda scary there I'm sure. At least its still only $40 on the table at risk at once. Losing $200 in one hand still seems like a ridiculous thing to me right now. Of course a year ago, losing $25 in a hand was a huge thing to me. Me=nit.

If anyone is interested let me know, I might throw together a video of me playing micro CAP so you guys can get an idea of how the games play (if you don't know already) I never realized how complicated short stacking is and I assume most 100bb players don't know as well or else they wouldn't hate them so much lol. I don't have camtasia though and I have to figure out how to make cam studio work passably well.

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